lunes, noviembre 02, 2009

First post from Windows Live Writer

Today I installed all of the rest of the “live” products I hadn’t tested yet. So this is my first post from Windows Live Writer.

I must say, it took a while before I could configure it correctly. For some reason, when I told it that my blog is located at it just wouldn’t connect! Searched everywhere for the error it was giving me, but couldn’t really find anything similar. Most of the errors people where complaining about was when posting with images (which I’ll try after this post), but nothing about configuring the account. It gave a very vague error: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”. Anyways after looking around for solutions and going through the account and blog settings at, I decided to change the “generic” address to one of my domains: It worked like a charm. I wonder what the problem was with the first one.

Anyways… here goes nothing!

If this works, you can bet you’ll be seeing a lot more of me!

(Incredible that it’s been almost exactly 3 years since my last post!)


domingo, noviembre 12, 2006

You know you've been in Sweden too long when...

  1. # It's acceptable to eat lunch at 11.00.

  2. # You think Leif 'Loket' Olsson is entertaining.

  3. # You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you should keep to take to the store and which can be sacrificed to garbage.

  4. # You associate pea soup with Thursday.

  5. # The first thing you do on entering a bank/post office/pharmacy etc. is look for the queue number machine.

  6. # You accept that you will have to queue to take a queue number.

  7. # A sharp intake of breath has become part of your vocabulary, as has the sound 'ahh'.

  8. # You associate Friday afternoon with a trip to system bolaget.

  9. # You think nothing of paying $50 for a bottle of 'cheap' spirits at system bolaget.

  10. # Silence is fun.

  11. # Your native language has seriously deteriorated; you begin to "eat medicine" and "hire videos".

  12. # Your front door step is beginning to resemble a shoe shop.

  13. # When a stranger on the street smiles at you, you assume that:

    1. he is drunk;
    2. he is insane;
    3. he is American;
    4. he is all of the above.

  14. # You stay home on Saturday night to watch Bingolotto.

  15. # It seems sensible that the age limit at Stockholm night clubs is 23 or 25.

  16. # The reason you take the ferry to Finland is:

    1. duty free vodka
    2. duty free beer
    3. to party

  17. # The only reason for getting of the boat in Helsinki is to eat pizza.

  18. # It no longer seems excessive to spend $200 on alcohol in a single night.

  19. # The fact that all of the "v's" and the "w's" are together in the phone directory seems right.

  20. # You care who wins 'Expedition: Robinson'.

  21. # Your old habit of being "fashionably late" is no longer acceptable. You are always on time.

  22. # You no longer see any problem wearing white socks with loafers.

  23. # You know that "religious holiday" means "let's get pissed."

  24. # You are no longer scared of volvos and volvo drivers.

  25. # You have your own innebandy club.

  26. # You enjoy the taste of surströmming.

  27. # You find yourself debating the politics of Carl Bildt.

  28. # You use mmmm as a conversation filler.

  29. # An outside temperature of 9 degrees Celsius is mild.

  30. # When someone asks for "three cheers", you say "hoorah, hoorah, hoorah, hoorah".

  31. # You wear sandals with socks.

  32. # You eat jam with savoury dishes.

  33. # You have only two facial expressions, smiling or blank.

  34. # You think riding a racing bike in the snow is a perfectly sensible thing to do.

  35. # You think it's more fun to stay at home and drink then go out.

  36. # You wear warm clothing when it's 25 degrees plus in April - because it's April.

  37. # You wear shorts and t-shirt when it's barely 10 degrees in July - because it's July.

  38. # You get extremely annoyed when the bus is two minutes late.

  39. # You think women are more than equal than men and deserve to have better positions in the work place.

  40. # Your wife watches TV while you look after the kids.

  41. # You become a punctuality freak and dump your friends for being late more than once.

  42. # You spend the week's entertainment budget on a pack of cigarettes and a drink in Gamla Stan.

  43. # When a stranger asks you a question in the streets, you think it's normal to just keep walking, saying nothing.

  44. # You've been engaged for four years and don't have any plans to get married.

  45. # Americans start to look entertaining, witty and fun, and you just want to go to the U.S.A., travelling across country on a greyhound, because it's "romantic."

  46. # You and your friends know exactly the same information, and have the same attitudes and beliefs in the value of Social Democracy.

  47. # You lose any artistic talent whatsoever.

  48. # You think that if you smoke a joint you will wind up in an insane asylum. [or become a habitual criminal]

  49. # You seriously contemplate getting into S & M.

  50. # You wear a dress or skirt over your trousers and combine them with training shoes. [this is especially problematic if you're male]

  51. # You jot down 'fisk fingrar' on your shopping list.

  52. # You no longer look for Vegemite on supermarket shelves, even if it's your first time in that particular store.

  53. # You think black rimmed glasses are cool.

  54. # Your wardrobe now consists of 20 different shades of black and grey.

  55. # You get excited watching a bunch of lame 'celebrities' on a fortress island playing games that are about as intelligent as mud-wrestling.

  56. # You look forward to the next program about practical jokes done on lame celebrities/has-beens by other lame celebrities who don't really deserve air time.

  57. # It doesn't feel like lunch unless it's a hot, full course meal drenched in gravy.

  58. # You eat unlimited amounts of sausage products without worrying about your nitrate intake.

  59. # You think that an unripe wedge of tomato on a limp leaf of iceberg lettuce can be called a salad.

  60. # You don't question the concept of 'telephone time'.

  61. # It seems reasonable that no business can be conducted on Friday afternoons. [or the entire month of July]

  62. # You assume that anyone who apologises after bumping into you is a tourist.

  63. # You think it is normal that a huge restaurant has a smoking section which consists of three tables near the door.

  64. # You reach for your pocket 20 times a day as mobile phones ring all around you.

  65. # You actually care if your mobile phone meets the fashion standard - and so do your new Swedish friends!

  66. # It seems reasonable that even those asking you for money at T-centralen reach for their pocket as the melodic music of the Swedish mobile phone resounds.

  67. # You get into a Mercedes taxi cab and think nothing of it.

  68. # Paying $5 for a cup of coffee seems reasonable.

  69. # You understand that when a colleague asks you out for "a drink," it will probably be a long night with a severe hangover the next day.

  70. # You start to think that having a sauna in the nude with a bunch of strangers is a necessary part of daily life ... and a necessary part of business.

  71. # You believe that when you finally win your Nobel Prize, it is best to be modest and say "Oh really, it was nothing!"

  72. # You get offended if, at a dinner party, someone fails to look you in the eyes after raising their glass for a toast.

  73. # Seeing a young woman with lit candles stuck to her head no longer disturbs you.

  74. # You become extremely skilled at assembling pre-packaged furniture kits.

  75. # "Candles" are a permanent fixture on your weekly shopping list.

  76. # You get to the movies early so that you can watch the commercials.

  77. # Most of your friends have the same names and you must use both names to distinguish between them.

miércoles, septiembre 06, 2006


Que onda que onda... para todos aquellos que siempre quisieron maldecir estilo Shakespeare, pero nunca pudieron... ahi les van algunas:

spleeny base-curt apple-john

weedy swag-bellied giglet

mangled shard-borne pumpion

fawning whoreson scut

fusty clay-brained bugbear


Si quieres mas, dejen mensajes, sino, se aguantan... o bajen ShakeASpear, un widget para la mac que produce combinaciones lexicograficamente correctas maldiciendo estilo Shakespeare!!!

sábado, septiembre 02, 2006

Una fotito, para que se les antoje!!

Que onda, solo se me ocurrio dejarles esta foto para que me dijeran que opinaban!! Windows vs Mac... ya lo veo venir!!!

Mi MacBook Pro

Y probablemente con el titulo... muchos pensaron que era algo ... digamos no muy propio!

Un post desde mi MacBook Pro

Que onda, descubri que google, junto con mac, han desarrollado un Widget para "postear" directamente a Blogger desde el dashboard!!

Esto es simplemente una prueba!!

Saludos y esten pendientes de nuevos posts!

viernes, mayo 06, 2005


Senoras y senores... ninos y ninas!! Lo que todo mundo estaba esperando!!! Alguna razon chuzca o interesante para organizar el primer concurso a la JARMO.COM.MX!!! Si... el concurso a LA MEJOR AUTOFOTO!!!

Manden sus fotos y no se dejen sorprender y son los ganadores!! Todas las entradas seran aceptadas (suponiendo que fueron autofotos y son aptas para menores de edad!)



GIL => El primer participante de EL CONCURSO A LA MEJOR AUTOFOTO!!!! Posted by Hello

amigo el

Por alguna razon.... el texto de arriba salio desalineado y no me deja alinearlo.... alguna idea.... diganme!!


JOAN => WE WANT YOU!!!!!! Posted by Hello

HAHAHA... Esta excelente esta foto!! Un GRAN contendiente!!


GABO => Vanidad en la van!! Posted by Hello

El mismisimo Gabo y su coleccion de autofotos.... esperamos ver mas de estas en el concurso!!!

(se que tiene muchas)

Llegaras a tu asiento?????

El Chava en serio que se nos puso bambi y nos ha mandado todavia otro link para que se distraigan un rato de tranto trabajar, estudiar, o de no hacer nada!!! hahaha

Aqui esta Llegale a tu asiento!!

Sigue asi Chavita!!! Gracias Carnal!!

Si quieres mandarme cosas... links, animaciones, comentarios, etc... hazlo a

Nos vemos compayitos

Caminar borracho?? NAAAH!!

Mi muy buen amigo Chava acaba de "re-pasarme" este link:

Caminar?? Saaaale!

(les debo la foto del buen Chava)

En los comments pongan hasta donde llegan!! Yo en verdad soy una papa!
Pero esta muy bueno el link para perder un poco el tiempo!!

sábado, abril 30, 2005

Adelantandome a Octubre!!

Vayan practicando!!!

Hagan click AQUI!!!!!!


miércoles, abril 13, 2005

Bajen MSN Plus! 3.50 (y arriba)!!

Messenger Plus! 3.50

Asi de facil... bajen Messenger Plus! haciendo click en el banner o en este link y pueden suscribirse para ganar un PSP o incluso una laptop Alienware!!!!!

Messenger Plus! 3.50

No pierdan esta oportunidad! Recuerden que Messenger Plus! es el add-on mas famoso y mejor diseñado para el messenger! Ademas, pueden escoger NO instalar otros programitas "malignos" ... a diferencia de otras versiones de Messenger Plus! que los instalaba por default!

Messenger Plus! 3.50

Yo, Jarmo, se los recomiendo!! Diganle a todos que vengan aqui para bajar Messenger Plus! 3.50, la nueva version ... fantastico para Messenger 7 (la nueva version de Messenger)

Y bueno... aqui les dejo mas links... por si los necesitan:

Messenger 7

StuffPlug - plugin con muchas cosas bonitas ;)

validation key del plugin

Messenger Plus! 3.50